hello my dear friends,

thank you all for supporting my blog,since i opened this blog from 2007 now the total visit is almost 10,000!

so i'd like to have a special project for your appreciation which is...

"choose your own topic"

tell me what do you want me to write, what do you want to know about me etc.

i will start working on that once we reach 10000.


actually i start my first blog in 2005 in another platform.

i imported those articles to here already.

so if you are interested in that you can find some new old ones which are in the very last few pages.

but i wasnt good enough to write in english by then so my apology to who cant read chinese.

this might be a good reason to start learning it ;D

alright, thank you guys again.

i am looking forward to your fresh ideas!!!



讓我從2007年開張的部落格 終於快要衝到10000人次!

所以為了回饋大家長年的支持呢 我決定推出一個特別企劃

那就是 “你出一張嘴 粗活我來幹“


不管你是想要我寫哪一方面的文章 或是 還想要知道我甚麼事 都歡迎

一旦超過一萬人次 我就寫


其實我在2005年就開始在寫部落格 不過一開始在另一個平台

最近 我也把那些舊文章搬了過來

有興趣的話 可以在最後幾頁找到

那麼再次謝謝各位的收看 期待你們的好點子囉


    創作者 elsie艾爾西 的頭像

    aug 21 in post adolescence

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